Live Concert Unsafe and Sound Festival, ‘Hope,a politics of healing’, 2023 Zacherlfabrik, Vienna, Austria, 2023 

costume by Pouran Parvizi

Single Release empty hall Digital Release through Tender Matter, September 8th, 2023

The creation of the track “Empty hall” was a collaboration between the human voices generated by AI. It is a mixture of technology and human artistry. 

Using the AI tool from Neuton by Qosmos, a piano sound was fed as the base for the track. This sound was then processed into a choir sound. Though this choir was artificially generated, it delivered a hauntingly emotional quality. 

The track was refined through a continuous process of bouncing between the AI tool and personal edits to craft a specific melody.
CreditsRecorded and produced by Hyeji Nam
Mastered by Dino Spiluttini
Cover art by Yoni Hong

Music Video Unknown RiverDigital, 2023 
Official video from the EP Unknown River, released July 1, 2022 via Tender Matter

Concept: Hyeji Nam, MSTEAZAH, mirabella paida mwoyo* dziruni, Stefan-Manuel Eggenweber

Performers: Hyeji Nam, MSTEAZAH, mirabella paida mwoyo* dziruni

Direction, Camera, Costume, Post Production: Stefan-Manuel Eggenweber

Titles: André Rachadel

Special thanks to: das weisse haus 

An Album To Be Performed - miracles
Zine by Hyeji Nam and Catherine Hu accompanying Hyeji Nam's debut album "miracles", 2023

Text written by Hyeji Nam
Designed and edited by Catherine Hu
Printed in offset with Joos Wiersina at Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Collaboration/PerformanceSophie Utikal’s solo exhibition “She had already learned to breathe underwater”Music production for the installation and a performance at Kunstraum Innsbruck, 2023

Photo by Daniel Jarosch 

Collaboration Sophie Utickal oZine by Hyeji Nam and Catherine Hu accompanying Hyeji Nam's debut album "miracles", 2023

Text written by Hyeji Nam
Designed and edited by Catherine Hu
Printed in offset with Joos Wiersina at Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Pellentesque Posuere Loborti
Suspendisse consectetur odio nulla, eu dictum quam laoreet id. Duis turpis est, eleifend nec enim at, condimentum maximus eros.

Tag-3, Tag-4, Tag-22

Integer Interdum Odio Ligula
Morbi semper metus id velit mollis, in aliquet sem ultricies. Aliquam purus tellus, bibendum vitae eleifend iaculis, semper a ex. Fusce interdum urna quis.

Tag-2, Tag-3, Tag-14

Vestibulum semper fermentum IV
Fusce velit dui, congue vel leo in, elementum bibendum lacus. Sed ut ex id lectus tristique sollicitudin in eget odio. Donec imperdiet tincidunt est.

Tag-3, Tag-4, Tag-5

Proin Nec Viverra Purus
Proin nec viverra purus. Duis tempor nisi quis erat bibendum lacinia. Nulla cursus vulputate turpis, nec placerat justo tristique non. Nulla finibus ex vel accumsan scelerisque.

Tag-2, Tag-3, Tag-4
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